Friday 13 June 2014

Progress of Animation

This is the look I was going for for the animation. I may mess around with different styles of drawing with different tricks throughout the edit. 

Thursday 12 June 2014

Animation Test

This is a vague idea on how it will flow and look through out the video. This was the first clip I edited using the rotoscope so I plan to develop the look of it a bit more.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Initial Planning

1. Form: A short skateboarding film. Around 2 minutes of roughly 15 clips.

2. Animation Type: It's a rotoscoping animation of skating. Definitively a rotoscoped skate edit.

3. Selection of genre or style: The genre I guess could be extreme sports but the style is more towards the abstract side of things in terms of how the rotoscoped version of the clips will look. Its an abstract style because of the way you trace around the live action footage it'll be with various colours and strokes so the final look of it will be somewhat all over the place.

4. Storyline: There is no real fixed storyline in a skate edit however I will try and include ongoing themes throughout and possibly a build up to a certain trick with a few failed attempts before the final trick.
This is where i got the inspiration for the idea.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Ideas For Animation

For my animation I am going to do a rotoscoped skate edit. I am going to film various people doing various things. I will storyboard what I think it will look like but it may well turn out to look completely different. I can't imagine the structure of it until I go out with a camera and get filming. I can see what the style of rotoscoping will be like but I'm not sure what I'm going to film yet.

Risk assessment
There are a few risks within this animation. As it is going to be around skateboarding there will always be possibilities of someone hurting themselves however the people I'll be filming have been skating for a very long time and the only reassurance I can get from them is that they know what they're doing.